fortuna crítica bis

ARMSTRONG, GREEN, SANGIACOMO. Spinoza and relational autonomy
ASTRADA Carlos. Goethe y el panteismo spinoziano
ATHANASAKIS Dimitrios. Raison et désir chez Spinoza
BAUMGARTEN, ROSIER-CATACH, TOTARO. Spinoza, philosophe grammairien
BERTRAND Michele . Spinoza et l'imaginaire
BOUVERESSE Renée . Une lettre de Spinoza
BOVE, ZAC, BILECOQ, DUPOND . Dossier Spinoza
BROCHARD Victor. Le Dieu de Spinoza
BRUNSCHVICG Leon. Spinoza et ses contemporains
__________ Spinoza [1894]

CARSON MARK Thomas. Spinoza's Theory of Truth
CASSUTO, Philippe . Spinoza et les commentateurs juifs [ epub ]

DAMASIO Antonio . En busca de Spinoza
DELLA ROCCA Michael. Spinoza
__________ Espinosismo
DOUGLAS Alexander. Spinoza and Dutch Cartesianism

FEINER Shmuel, SORKIN David. New perspectives on the Haskalah
FISCHER, VAN VLOTEN, RENAN . Spinoza four essays [1882]
FORSTER Eckart, MELAMED Yitzhak (ed). Spinoza and German Idealism
FREUDENTHAL J. Die Lebensgeschichte Spinoza’s [1899]

GATENS Moira, LLOYD Genevieve (ed). Collective Imaginings - Spinoza, Past and Present
GEBHARDT Carl . Rembrandt y Spinoza
__________ Spinoza
__________ Spinoza's Dream
__________ (ed) Spinoza and the Sciences

HAMMACHER Klaus. Jacobi et Spinoza
HAMPE, RENZ, SCHNEPF (ed). Spinoza's Ethics - A collective commentary

ILLUMINATI Augusto. Théologie de l'eau

KAPLAN Yosef, MICHMAN Dan. The Religious cultures of Dutch Jewry
KAPLAN Y. MECHOULAN H. Menasseh ben Israel and his world
KISNER Matthew, YOUPA Andrew. Essays on Spinoza's ethical theory
KORDELA A. VARDOULAKIS D. Spinoza's Authority
KRIEGEL Blandine. Spinoza - L'autre voie

LAUX, Henri . Spinoza et le christianisme [ epub ]
__________ Revenir a Spinoza

MARTINS Andre (org). Nietzsche e Spinoza
MANZINI Frederic . Spinoza une lecture d'Aristote
MATYSIK Tracie. When Spinoza met Marx
MECHOULAN Henry. Los Judios De España
MONTAG, STOLZE [ed.] The New Spinoza
MUGNIER-POLLET Lucien. Esquisse d une axiologie de Spinoza

NADON Christopher (ed). Enlightenment and Secularism
NDOBA Alain Gervais. Spinoza et le Dieu qui peut tout
OLESTI J. ZIMMER J. (eds.) Religion and Power in Spinoza

POPKIN Richard. Spinoza

RABENOT William. Spinoza as Educator [1911]
RAVVEN Heidi, GOODMAN Lenn (ed). Jewish themes in Spinoza's philosophy
RIBEIRO FERREIRA Maria Luísa. A dinâmica da razão na filosofia de Espinosa
__________ (ed) Spinoza. Ser e Agir
RIZK, REVAULT D ALLONES [ed.] Spinoza, Puissance et ontologie
SCALA André . Spinoza [ epub ]
__________ Do Noachite have to believe in Revelation? [ parte 1 . parte 2 ]
SCHAUB Marianne. Actualité du herem?
SILBERNER Edmund. The Works of Moses Hess
SILVEIRA Nise da . Cartas a Spinoza
SKINNER Quentin. The foundations of modern political thought  VOL. 1 . VOL. 2
SCHMITT, Charles B., SKINNER Quentin, KESSLER Eckhard. The Cambridge history of Renaissance philosophy

TORRES CASTAÑOS Sebastián.  La presencia de Machiavelli en el TP de Spinoza

VAN DER WERF Theo (ed.) Spinoza Bibliography 1971-1983
VAN DER BEND J. G. (ed.) Spinoza on knowing, being and freedom
VANDEWALLE Bernard. Spinoza et la medecine
VARDOULAKIS Dimitris [ed]. Spinoza Now
WOLFSON, Harry Austrin . The Philosophy Of Spinoza [ volume 1 ] [ volume 2 ]
